Friday, December 18, 2009

Random things

Chad come home one night from work and had Grant go outside and build a small snowman with the bits of remaining snow. It was not taller than about two feet. It has celery arms, a carrot nose and two rock eyes. It literally fell down about one second after I took the pictures. Barry was sniffing around waiting and hoping for the nose and arms. Grant and Chad had a good time making it though.

Grant and Cole love to play with our RockBand/Guitar Hero guitars, drums and microphone. Cole rocks out on the guitar and Grant sings and bangs on the drums. It is hilarious to listen to Grant make up songs and sing Colonel Hathi's March from Jungle Book into the mike.

This is Sooner's new place to be when stuck in the house. She stares longingly out the window into the great wide open.

Grant loves to help Cole walk. Here is he while Cole is trying to drink his milk.
Here is cute Cole walking and smiling. It took about four shots to get one where he wasn't half out of the frame from walking and turning away.

Grant loves to snuggle up with dad on the couch in the evenings and watch some cartoons before bed. I have no idea why Grant is pouting. It happens so often I lose track.

Sooner likes to join in the snuggling whenever she can sneak herself into the mix.

When Sooner can't sneak onto someone's lap she likes to curl up on a couch cushion. This cushion is the closest to the fireplace so she stays nice and warm.

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