Sunday, December 13, 2009

Grant's preschool Halloween party

Grant's preschool had a Halloween party for the last hour of one of his classes. They all got to put on their costumes and go trick or treating to a few houses in the neighborhood. They also got to frost some sugar cookies and sing some Halloween songs they had been learning all month. Parents were invited to attend so Cole and I went for the party. Grant had a great time in his pirate costume, trick or treating with his friends. At the beginning, each child had to stand up and say what he or she was dressed as. I was sure that Grant would refuse to stand up and speak but he didn't. When it was his turn, he stood right up and said, "I am a pirate," very clearly and proudly. I was so proud of him. Maybe he is finally overcoming some of his shyness.

(This is Grant with his preschool class)

(Grant is frosting his sugar cookies)

(This is a close up of Grant while lining up for the group picture)

(My cute pirate Grant frosting his sugar cookies with a popsicle stick)

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