Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cute pictures of the boys

Chad had this past Wednesday off of work. I had a playgroup scheduled at my house so Chad took off for a couple of hours to do some errands. He went to Costco and came home with these beautiful flowers for me. He told me that while he was at Costco someone asked if he was buying these for me to try and get back in the house. He told them no, he was buying them so I wouldn't be too mad about the box of frozen corn dogs he was buying at the same time. The flowers are beautiful but I still gave him a disapproving look about the corndogs. They are just gross.

Grant and Cole went to their new friend, Aiden Solorzano's, birthday party on Friday. It was at a park so Grant had a great time running around with the other boys. There was a pinata and cake. Cole loved the cake. I was helping cut and plate the cake while holding Cole and he kept grabbing the bits of remaining yellow frosting left on the cake plate. He then kept grabbing my entire piece of cake off my plate, trying to eat it.

This is Grant watching Aiden open presents. Grant had a great time and was a very tired boy that night.

Video of Cole walking. He is getting stronger. He keeps his legs straight when I try to put him on the floor now so that he can walk some. He is also standing on his own for a good 5-10 seconds. He is close to walking and I think will be walking by Halloween.

1 comment:

krissy said...

that is awesome!! he's such a good walker! i can't believe how big they are both getting.
i love his pj's :)