Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Mellen Boys

Because of the constant business of caring for two little boys, even with the unending help of a mtoher and mother-in-law, I haven't taken pictures of the boys in about a week but here is little Cole from a week ago. Grant is in love with his little brother. He loves to give Cole kisses and lay on the couch next to him. Grant does not like it when I have to feed Cole because it means he can't play with him. I frequently hear, "No feed him." Other than little sleep and the pains of breastfeeding, things are going well. Cole is a sweet boy, who only crie when something is genuinely wrong. It's such a nice treat to have a calm, content baby. We never knew it could be like this.

(Grant and Cole laying on the couch together)

(Cole napping on mommy's belly -- something seems so familiar)

Grant has been ultra spoiled with one grandma after another here for about 10 days. He is getting things and getting away with things he normally wouldn't if it were just mom. As you can see below, he had a great time with an ice cream from Oma.


Tiffany said...

I am glad that they are getting along so well. How is breastfeeding going this time around? Is it any better? They look so different at this stage at least. Does he look like Grant did when he was a baby? Cute boys you sure are lucky!

Adrian said...

Thanks for finally posting! I've been dying to see more pictures! I'm so glad Grant is adjusting well and loving his new baby brother! Cole is so adorable! I honestly can't believe how much he's changed in the few short weeks since I've seen him! Seriously let me know if you need anything!!!!

KaySea said...

They are so cute. I love the differences in hair color. I don't think I updated my blog forever after I had Klara. You are awesome. Mike did a few and that was good. Just was a little crazy at the beginning. He is so sweet, love the pictures!!!