Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Day #1

Friday began our week long celebration of Halloween. Grant is very excited about this holiday this year. He has become the Great Pumpkin Spotter. He finds and points out every pumpkin of every size within a 100 yard view. It's really quite amazing. There are some pumpkins I truly cannot believe he sees they are so far away and so small. Also, his new favorite toy is that $.59 mini pumpkin I bought him earlier this week at the grocery store. He brings it everywhere with him.

Friday we went to a toddler Halloween party at our friend Sandra's house. Her little boy Jack is Grant's age. It was a dress up party and we did indoor trick or treating. Grant had a fun time playing on the swing set and getting candy. I finally finished Grant's clown costume about one hour before we had to leave for the party (I accomplished #96 on my list too). He sure is a cute clown though and loves the costume.

Friday night we headed to the zoo for their annual Howloween celebration. Basically, we walk in a long over crowded line of people and strollers and trick or treat in front of the various animal displays. We went last year and had a good time but not so this year. It was extremely crowded and slow moving. I can't even say how many times I was flat tired by a stroller, including our own. Grant wasn't even into it that much. He just rode in the stroller and kept asking to see the animals. Thankfully the elephants were out so there was one animal spotting. Grant had more fun at In-N-Out Burger afterwards than he did at the zoo I think.

Friday afternoon we tried to get our house somewhat decorated for Halloween but we got as far as getting the decorations out because little Cole was not being cooperative. Hopefully, before the end of the weekend we will get some decorations up.

Our Halloween celebration will continue this week with the ward Halloween party on Wednesday and of course real Halloween trick or treating on Friday night. Stay tuned.

(Chad and Grant at Howloween)

(Cole in his cute Halloween costume)

(Grant enjoying a cupcake (well the frosting anyway) at the Halloween party)

(Grant as the cutest clown ever)

(Grant trying out his Halloween costume for the first time with the Halloween pumpkin in tow of course)

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