Monday, September 21, 2009

Bluegrass Festival

On Saturday, September 19, 2009, we went to Flagstaff for Pickin' in the Pines. Chad loves to go to Bluegrass festivals. We went one in Tucson two years in a row and another in Benson. It's really good music and fun people to watch. There are some people who are serious about their Bluegrass. It started out a nice day but the clouds quickly rolled in and we had to make a break for the covered amphitheater. While we were making a break for the cover, I slid down a muddy/grassy embankment and landed right on my rear end. It was gross. I was also holding Cole and pushing the stroller. This is the second time I have fallen with Cole in my arms and he has yet to get hurt. I'm getting pretty good. As many people as possible huddled under the covered areas while it poured and hailed on us. The music just kept on playing though. It finally stopped raining but the clouds stayed so it was nice and chilly. Grant didn't seem to mind though. He was running around barefoot with no jacket on. He had a great time playing in the grass, chasing bubbles people kept blowing and dancing to the music. They had a Kid's Corner where Grant painted a paper plate music shaker and had his face painted. Cole was a little more difficult around nap time but he did get a 45 minute nap in that helped.

(Cole thankfully napping on the drive up to Flagstaff)

(Grant napping on the way up to Flagstaff)

(Chad being so cute for the picture - compare to others where he is equallyy cooperative)
(Cole enjoying his Puffs snack when we first arrived - this was before it rained)

(Grant being silly with his Goldfish - he asked me to take this picture)

(Grant's face painted bee cheek - when asked what color he wanted he said yellow and when asked what shape he said square, the facepainter was stumped so she asked if he'd like a bee (I thought of Spongebob but kept my mouth shut because that's the last thing I wanted on this face))

(He got a lion on his other cheek)

(Both boys snacking when we first arrived)

Below is Cole trying to get the armoir open. He now tries to pull the door open with one hand then stick his head in the opening in an attempt to get the door to stay open. It's pretty funny to watch. Good use of his head though. I always knew he was headsmart.

Last night, Chad and I were sitting on the couch and the boys were playing on the floor. I looked down to check on them and they were each chewing on a tool with their eyes glued to the TV watching The Simpsons. The are true Mellens.

These are the boys the only time they have ever had matching outfits. Kitty went to Outer Banks, NC for Labor Day and brought these t-shirts for the boys. She sent them for Cole's birthday and Grant's un-birthday. I matched them to send a picture to Aunt Kitty. She loved it.

(Cole walking with his walker)

(Cole pushing his walker on his knees, cheating)

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