Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Cole!!!

Happy Birthday to my little one year old. Yesterday, Cole turned one year old. Where has the time gone? We celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, September 16, 2009. We had homemade macaroni and cheese and then cake and ice cream. Cole loves mac 'n cheese and realy enjoyed his first piece of cake. When we sang Happy Birthday to Cole he started crying. Poor thing. I think he thought we were yelling at him. We certainly were not the most in tune singing group. After cake and ice cream Cole opened his presents. Well, actually Grant did the present opening for Cole and Cole just played with the wrapping paper and bows. He had little interest in most of the gifts until he got the couple of toys unwrapped. Oma, Papa and Aunt Kitty got Cole some clothes and we got him a Little People airplane, a bath toy and some new little shoes. It was a pretty low key party with just our little family, Aunt Shelli and our friend Matt but it was fun, especially for an event Cole will never remember.

Cole sure has grown up a lot and has the funniest personality. He is already such a little troublemaker and mischief maker. It's adorable. He is pro at harassing his brother already and such a smilely little boy. He is full of adventure and will try anything Grant is doing. He is also a spectacular tantrum thrower. If he does not get his own way we hear about it very loudly, complete with throwing himself on the floor, rolling around and screaming at the top of his lungs.

(Here is Cole with his first birthday cake - He tried numerous times to grab that candle flame)

(This is Cole when he broke into tears during our lovely rendition of "Happy Birthday.")

(Cole enjoying his birthday cake)

(Cole checking out his new birthday clothes)

(Grant and Cole with Cole's presents)

(Cole trying on his birthday present bow)

(Cole in his forward facing car seat for the first time - he cried slightly for about the first five minutes of his first ride)

(Cole trying out the walker for the first time - He's finally getting up the courage to stand and try walking)

Happy Birthday Matt!!! This is Chad's friend Matt. They went to pharamacy school together then did their residency at the Tucson VA together. Now they are both working at the Prescott VA. Matt's birthday was on Tuesday and no one made him a cake so he came over for Cole's birthday celebration and we celebrated his birthday too.

We worked on the letter D last week in preschool. Grant painted a dumptruck, daisy and dragon. we also learned the song Five Little Ducks. He is really starting to enjoy singing the songs finally. He still loves painting. We went to Goodwill earlier this week just to check things out. I found him a bag of little Legos for $2 that he hasn't stopped playing with, except by force. He loves building things and taking them apart. Aunt Kitty got Grant a fun ice cream shop Play-doh toy that he is also obsessed with. He will play Legos and Play-doh for hours. Thanks Kitty for a great gift.

My little garden is growing. It is growing in small patches but still growing. My broccoli is the most successful. I have about three carrots and I may even have some spinach and peas growing but I'm not sure. They may just be weeds. We'll have to wait and see.

(My broccoli plants)

(My little carrot plants)

(My broccoli)

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