Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on Potty Training

Grant has the #1 part about down. He still has an accident here and there but he's now telling me he has to go and actually going. He has stayed dry during naps and nighttime now. He did it in just over 3 days. #2 is another issue though. We are still struggling with that. He has a container of Play-Doh sitting on the bookcase that he really wants but can't have until he goes in the potty and not his underwear. So far, nothing but we'll see how it goes today. The 3 day method really did work amazingly well for #1 at least. For other kids, it may work for both. I totally recommend it.


Nicole said...

So we have been doing some potty training with Gage, what's the main premise behind the 3 day potty training? I'm glad things are going so well for you and Grant. Carter was so easy and pretty much potty trained himself right after he turned 2 so I'm a little stumped with Gage... I feel like I've never done it before!

Sarah said...

Yeah!! I figured things were going well when I hadn't heard from you in a couple of days. We knew he could do it. #2 will come with time, but hey your halfway there!