Friday, August 29, 2008

A conversation every mom hopes to have with her two year old...

Two year old says, "I need a gun. I need a gun, mom."
Mom responds, "Your gun is under the TV."
Then a few minutes later, with a gun pointed at mom's back, two year old says, "Stop cooking dinner. Stop cooking dinner, mom."
A few minutes after that, mom gets hit a few times in the back with the gun so mom says, "No, no. Stop hitting mommy or I'll take your gun away."

(Is this what my life has become?)


KaySea said...

I guess it is good that ihe is talking pretty good for being two. I can't say I have had that conversation before with my two year old. Lately it has been "I want to go to chuckee cheeses!" My response, "Okay, go pee in the potty for 14 days straight and we will go." Sounds good I know.

Tiffany said...

That is the cutest picture of grant in the play kitchen! Is that at my mom's house? She has a kitchen set just like that!