Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our week

This week has been a normal week until yesterday when I had a call from Chad as I was leaving a deposition that I needed to hurry home because Grant had been puking all morning. Of course, when I got home he was fine and no more puke. That is until this morning when Grant was sleeping in our bed for a little while. I was already up and downstairs. Suddenly, I hear Chad yell frantically for me to get upstairs because Grant was puking again. Poor Chad. Grant only pukes when it's just the two of them. It's kind of sad and kind of funny at the same time, although I'm pretty sure Chad would have a different opinion on that.

Grant and I went to Shakers this week and to the pool with Amy and Nicholas and Baby Zach. he also went to the Children's Museum with Regina and her girls. He loves it there. Our plan was to go there yesterday too but that was thwarted by the puking.

My work is winding down. I am down to two unsettled cases. One keeps settling then unsettling. We're about at the unsettled stage again, which is driving me nuts. I am truly hoping to be done with work entirely by the end of the month.

Aunt Kitty (my sister, Kristen) asked to see pictures of Grant sleeping in front of his gate, which is his new favorite place for naps. I always put him in his bed with everything he needs then within 5 minutes of going downstairs, I heard the door to his room open and then nothing else. Without fail, I find him dead asleep on his pillow with his blanket over him, a binky in one hand a a water cup in the other in front of his gate. We have the gate there so that he can't wander around in the middle of the night and possibly fall down the stairs. The photos of this daily occurrence are below.



I hope Grant is feeling better!

Tiffany said...

Sounds like it has been fun! JK I hate it when the kids are sick- esp. if your not feeling super hot yourself.