Monday, June 30, 2008

Going Green and a Grant story

So, I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to stop using store bought chemical cleaning products and instead start using natural, kitchen ingredients. I made this decision in part because I didn't like all the chemicals we were using and also because I'm not as concerned about Grant finding stuff. Vinegar won't kill him. Of course, I don't leave anything sitting in his reach but I feel a little more comfortable.

I did a little internet research and now my primary cleaning agent is white vinegar mixed with various amounts of water. In case anyone is interested, it's quite simple. It's very cheap and if you don't like the smell you can add lemon juice. FYI - vinegar cannot be used on marble surfaces because it breaks it down. So, if you have cultured marble in your bathroom you need to keep using your Soft Scrub.

Here are the mixes:

Glass/dusting liquid:
2 tbsp vinegar:1 quart water

Dump undiluted vinegar into the toilet and let it sit. Then, scrub away with your toilet brush
If you want some scrubbing action pour in some baking soda as well. It works just as well as comet or Ajax

All purpose kitchen, bathroom cleaner:
1 part vinegar:1 part water
(I use this for everything)

1 cup vinegar:1 gallon water
(I usually just fill the sink with some hot water and pour in some vinegar. You all know I'm not that precise with measuring. That takes time)

Any place you would have used an abrasive scrubbing cleaner like Ajax or Comet you can use baking soda. There are no chemicals.

Ok, now a Grant story I want to make sure is documented. His new favorite book is Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman. We have a giant board book of it. The last page is of the dogs at a party in a giant tree. There is a huge pink cake and some ice cream in the picture. Whenever we get to the last page he has to pretend to eat the cake and the ice cream. He pulls the book to his mouth and starts making fake eating sounds. I think it's hilarious and he figured this out on his own. The boy loves cake and ice cream. What can I say?

He also in the last month has started to sing along with the songs I sing to him. He loves "pig," which is Old McDonald, and "bus," which is Wheels on the Bus, and "Twinkle," which is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. He can actually sing some of the words to each of these songs. He started doing this once he started nursery. I learned from the nursery leader that she has little animal stick puppets for Old McDonald and Grant always wants the pig. This is why Old McDonald is "pig" for him. I'm sure you all really don't care about this but given I use this as a journal, I felt it important to make a note of this development.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Thank you so much for posting those. I was thinking of going green with my cleaners also but I thought that the enviromental ones were so expensive but now I just have to buy vinager in mass quantities! I love the updates on Grant :) How cute that he is singing- Turner is doing that too. We should get them together so they could sing a twinkle duet.