Sunday, November 11, 2007

My first entry

I have wanted to do this for a long time as a type of journal so I thought now would be as good a time as any. We are coming to the end of our time here in Tucson. Chad will finish pharmacy school in May and then we are off into unknown lands. He will do a residency somewhere yet to be determined. I am still working but have a flexible schedule so I am home more with Grant. It is working pretty well but gets stressful when things are hectic at work. Chad has a four month break right now until the end of February. He is playing stay at home dad, which isn't too hard since I'm home a lot and Grant sleeps a lot.

Chad and I are headed to Puerto Rico in December for a much needed vacation. Then we are off to SLC for Christmas with Chad's mom. Of course, Grant will be joining us on that trip. We just bought tickets to Chicago for a long weekend in January. We are trying to get some traveling in now since once Chad's done with school we have no idea when he will have the time to go anywhere. I will let you know how the vacations go.

Grant celebrated his first real Halloween this year. He is now almost 18 months. We did a trick or treating at the zoo before Halloween. because it continues to be in the 90s here in Tucson, we had to scratch the planned constume of chicken for that night and borrow a mouse costume. He had a good time I think but still doesn't really get it. On Halloween night it had cooled off some so he was the chicken and what a cute chicken he was. I took Grant and one of our dogs, Barry, trick or treating around the neighborhood with another family from our ward. Chad manned the door at home with our other dog, Sooner. Grant had a good time I think but just kept trying to chew open the candy.

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