Saturday, November 17, 2007

Girls Night/Garage sale

I have had requests for more photos so I will post a couple from our recent trip to the zoo. Grant was terrified of many of the animals but was absolutely enthralled with the carnivorous Paku fish. He literally watched them for 10 minutes and did not want to leave when we pulled him away. Weird.

Thursday night was girls night. two months ago my friend Shannon and I decided to start a monthly girls night for women to get together and eat, chat and do nothing without children. First it was at her house, last month it was at mine and on Thursday we had someone else host. There are always varying numers and varying individuals at the event but it's fun and a nice break. We really do absolutely nothing. Chad always pumps me for gossip and information I may have learned about girls night he doesn't understand that there's absolutely nothing to tell. We really talk about nothing and have fun doing it.

This morning was the sequel to a garage sale that my friend Amanda and I tried to have last month. Last month it was an utter failure. If not for selling a bicycle for $20 I would have made $10. This time around we had it at my house instead of hers and we did much, much better. I made between $30 and $40. She did well and I sold stuff for my friend Amy too. After last time I had almost a whole car load left and so did Amanda. At the end of today, we have one laundry basket of clothes, one box of books and one box of miscellaneous items. It was fun doing it but I'm exhausted. I've been up since 6:15 AM.

Grant is starting to pick up animal noises after many months of teaching. He has a big animal book he loves to read. The other day he made a chicken noise and tonight he was making a monkey noise. The boy is finally learning. He loves to get a book and bring it over to me and climb on my lap to read. He gets bored with a book after 2 minutes and doesn't actually let me read the words to him. He then gets up and gets another book. I'm trying to get him to take one book back and get another one but the best I get is a look of utter shock and disbelief as he either walks away without the book or takes it then drops it part way back to the bookshelf. We bought him a ball 3-pack that has a basketball, soccer ball and football in it. He gets the idea of tackling in football but doesn't understand that picking up a soccer ball is a penalty.

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