Friday, August 26, 2011

Our weekend at Oma's - August 13, 2011

We had a fun overnight at Oma's from August 12-13, 2011. We left for Gilbert at 9 PM on Friday because Chad was working nights. We arrived at Oma's about 11:30 PM. In the morning, Chad and I were able to go to the temple while Oma, David, Melissa and Shelli watched the boys. It's sad that it takes that many people to do the job I do everyday.
Before Chad and I left for the temple, Tyler had a serious blowout. When I went to change it I didn't know what I was getting into. Tyler had it all up his back and ended up with it on his legs and feet. Oma came to the rescue (sort of) and in an attempt to limit the spread of the yuck, Oma literally had Tyler hanging by his ankles with no clothes on. We were both laughing hysterically, while trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. Surprisingly, Tyler was not screaming. Once we regained our composure and our senses, Tyler headed straight upstairs with Oma for a quick back, while I cleaned up the changing pad and other inanimate casualties.
To add to the excitement of bodily fluids, later that day Cole had to go to the bathroom. I was sitting on the couch by the bathroom. I pointed to the bathroom and told Cole to go potty over there. He walked over to the tile that leads into the bathroom pulled down his pants and started peeing on the tile. He apparently thought I meant to pee on the tile rather than in the toilet that was just a few steps away. I still can't figure out why he would think that, as I have never allowed him to pee inside anywhere except the toilet but just add it to the list of times I can't figure out what is going through his head.
When we got back from the temple we all headed to the pool to try to cool off. Sadly, the water felt more like bathwater than a refreshing dip but we still had fun. Over the last several months, Grant's swimming skills have really taken off. He was swimming all by himself all over the pool. Cole preferred hanging on the steps and Tyler loved just floating in someone's arms. Oma had water guns and splashballs for all of us to play with and grapes for us to snack on while we swam.

After we finished swimming we enjoyed delicious brisket for dinner. Oma promised Grant a return trip to the pool after dinner and she kept her word. We all thought Grant wouldn't last more than about 30 minutes on round two but we were proved wrong. Grant made some new friends at the pool and stayed for almost two hours. He was jumping, climbing, swimming and playing in the pool with these new kids.
After two trips to the pool, he was so exhausted it didn't take five minutes in the car to see David's new house before Grant was so asleep it took several shakes to wake him.
We had a great time on this little overnighter. It's always relaxing to visit Oma because I get a vacation from childcare.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Thanks for posting a picture of me in my swimsuit.