Friday, August 26, 2011

Cole's first dental visit - August 24, 2011

Cole went to the dentist for his first teeth cleaning on August 2, 2011. He was so excited for this. He kept telling Grant and Chad that he was getting his teeth cleaned. I scheduled Grant and Cole at the same time. Chad went in with Grant and I supervised Cole. Cole started crying when they took Grant back first, while I finished filling out Cole's paperwork. Once I made him realize he was getting to have a turn too, he calmed down.
Cole was a champ. He wore the glasses, loved exploring the instruments and did his very best to keep his mouth open. He loved the suction but had a hard time with the coordination of opening and closing to make it work. He only bit the hygienest a couple of times while she was flossing his teeth.
After his cleaning, he hopped in Grant's chair and opened wide for Dr. Bowman.Both boys had stellar teeth - no cavities. Even with all my nights of letting them brush by themselves, their teeth are still relatively healthy.

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