Sunday, February 1, 2009

List #49 - Don't eat sweets for a month

I gave this one a try for the month of January. I actually did better than I thought I would but not as well as I would have liked. I significantly reduced the amount of baking I normally do in a week and month but I was not perfect. I had a donut after cleaning the church. I had some ice cream for family home evening, I still had chocolate chips in my waffles in the morning and I did have to bake a few times (I have not self control when I bake). I need to work on this some more so I'm not counting this one accomplished yet. I am going to revise it though. I am going to severely limit my baking. I am going to stop having waffles with chocolate chips for breakfast and I am going to limit eating sweets to Saturday and Sunday, if at all. I've got to do better. I really want to kick the sweets craving thing I have. I hate it and it makes me feel yucky so I'm going to give it another month. Plus, it's February so it's only 28 days instead of 31 like January. I should have started with February in the first place.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Fantastic goal! Love your theory about Feb! You crack me up!! Before you cut down on baking, can you make me some more of your AMAZING COOKIES?!? Seriously...I'm craving them!

I would love for you to come visit!Just let me know when! We're pretty flexible! But only if there's cookies! ;)