Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cole's blessing

There has been a one month gap in my blogging due to technical difficulties and lots of family in town. I had my sister here for about 10 days and then the motherboard on our computer went out so our computer has been with HP for awhile being repaired. Thus the delay. I now have lots to catch up on.

Cole was blessed on November 9, 2008. My dad, brother David and sister's Shelli and Kristen came to town. Chad's mom and Chad's friend Mike Wadley and his family also came for the event. On the day of the blessing my Aunt Betsy and cousin Peter came from Phoenix. Cole was blessed in the Valencia Ward by Chad. My dad, David, Peter, Mike and our friend Lars stood in the circle. After sacrament meeting we all came back to our house for lunch, which included croissant sandwiches, pasta salad, chips and dessert. We had a full house and so much fun. Kristen stayed through the week, until the next Monday but David, Shelli and my dad headed out of town on Sunday afternoon. The Wadleys stayed over night with us and Barbara stayed through Wednesday.

These are the men who blessed Cole: Richard (Papa), David, Chad, Mike and Peter (missing is Lars Studley)

The Mellen family: Grant, Chad, Lindsay and Cole

The greater Mellen family: Lindsay, Cole, Barbara, Chad and Grant

The Glenn family: Kristen, David, Chad, Lindsay, Cole, Richard, Peter, Betsy, Shelli and Grant

Chad and Mike being themselves

Lindsay with her boys, Grant and Cole

Barbara (Grandma Mellen)

Shelli, Cole, David and Grant

David and Grant

Papa with Grant and Cole

On Monday, Chad took the day off of work and Chad and Mike went to the driving range while KaySea, Mike's wife, Kristen and I headed to the zoo with the kids. Grant and the Wadley boys, Bryce and Mitchell, had a fun time feeding the ducks and looking at all of the other animals. After the zoo and golf, we all went to El Charro for lunch. We had our own private room, which made it so nice given we had several kids with us for lunch. After lunch, the Wadleys headed back to Las Vegas.

Lindsay and Cole

Lindsay, Cole and Grant

Grant with Bryce and Mitchell Wadley


Chad had Tuesday off for Veteran's Day so he and his mom went out shopping for a birthday present for him and an Indian food lunch buffet. Kristen and I did some of the errands I needed to do and just took care of the kids. The rest of the week was mostly like that for me and Kristen. We took walks, played with the kids, went to the mall and just hung out. She only comes a couple of times each year so it was nice to have her visit for so long.

Thursday was Chad's actual birthday. We got him a new BBQ set, which he was in desperate need of. My brother, David, came down the following weekend and he and Kristen babysat for us on Saturday night so that Chad and I could go to the opera. We saw Mikadao. It was an interesting, modern opera, done in english. Here is a link if you're interested in what it is about. http://www.azopera.com/learn.php?subcat=operasynopsis&subpage=TheMikado It was nice to get out and get some culture in us.

Kristen finally had to depart our home on November 17, 2008 and we were sad to see her go. She was such a huge help with Grant and Grant loves her tons.

Grant and Cole having some brother "tummy time"

Aunt Kitty with Cole and Grant

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