Thursday, January 31, 2008

Our January Chicago trip

We were in Chicago over Martin Luther King weekend. It was cold. That's the short and long of the trip. We stayed inside at our family's house for pretty much the entire weekend. I ventured into the city on Sunday to attend Logan Square Ward and see some old friends. Chad ventured in with his brother Vance on Tuesday to partake of his all time favorite restaurant -- Chicken Hut (don't ask, just nod and smile). The vacation was really an opportunity for Grant to get to know his counsins. His brother has three kids, his youngest being just 3 months older than Grant. They don't get along so well but Grant liked his older sister Brookie and played well with her. For part of the time, Chad's sister and her family came for a visit from Michigan. They have 4 kids, two teenagers and two that are 2 and 4. It was pure chaos but fun. Grant didn't quite know what to do with all the kids and was overwhelmed when everyone was together but each night he had an opportunity to play with just two counsins at a time and he had a great time. I finished a 600 page book and did pretty much nothing else. Chad is about the same as me. He was able to stay up into the wee hours of the morning watching weird and ridiculous movies with this brother.
Here are some photos of our trip. Of course, they're really just Grant because who else gets pictures taken when he's around?

(Grant, aka Elton John Jr with his counsins Brookie and Ellie)

(Grant reconstructing the Ho Chi Minh trail with Jenga blocks - this was his own creation with no assistance provided)

(Grant and his arch rival cousin Vance - sharing is hard when you're only 1)

Chad is back in Chicago now after a trip to Erie, PA and Milwaukee, WI for residency interviews. We didn't know the interview schedule when we made the MLK plans or we would have economized a little better. I guess you can't put a price on family though. He's back on Saturday then off again next weekend for his last two interviews. He'll be home for a week after that then up to Flagstaff for his 6 week rotation up there.

At this moment, we are having new tile installed in our kitchen/dining room and entry way/half bath areas. they have been here since about 9 AM and likely won't leave until about 10 PM tonight. My poor dogs have been locked outside all day and they are going much barking I can't take much more. The tile looks great though, much better than our cheap vinyl.


***LIZ*** said...

Lindsay! Thanks for the access to the blog. I love all the super cute pics of Grant. It's nice to see what you are all up too.

Tiffany said...

How fun! I love cousins. Turner is more interactive with his older cousins too. I wish that he got to hang out with them more often. You guys sure are travelers!