Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

A week or so ago, Amy, Nicholas, Grant and I went to the mall one evening so the boys could play on the slides. These boys have been together since before birth, as they are one month apart and Amy and I have been friends for a few years now. While playing they started giving each other hugs totally unprompted by either of us. Since then they have continued to give each other hugs and put their arms on each other's shoulders when together.

Grant and I went to the zoo today with our friends Amy and Nicholas. Grant and Nicholas had a great time. The highlight of the outing were the Gibbons monkeys. We could hear them several exhibits away. I took some video because it was too hilarious to pass up. See the following. FYI - when I replayed these at home before posting them my dogs went nuts. Sooner came and put her paws up on the table to try and figure out what was going on and Barry started running around all crazy. So, if your dogs are in the room use caution when listening. You'll understand when you play the videos.


krissy said...

Lindsay, it kind of sounded like you were making the noise, but then I could see the monkey moving his mouth.
I'm glad little Granty has a good friend, that's so sweet.

Tiffany said...

that was awesome. Turner loved it! I don't think we have that species of monkies at the Utah zoo- How fun!