Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spring Training disaster

On March 31, 2010, we decided on the fly to go to Phoenix to watch a Giants spring training game. They were split squad, playing the A's and the Mariners. Chad chose the A's game in Scottsdale. That is where we went wrong. We arrived just after the game started and it was beyond packed. We had lawn seats and all of the lawn space sloping down toward the field was covered. Our only option was a lawn spot sloping away from the field so we couldn't even see the game. We also picked a spot that seemd to be a popular place for people to stand and drink. People literally kept standing on and walking over our blanket. Cole also kept running away. It was so crowded and busy. After being there less than 30 minutes, we decided it was too awful and we packed up to head out. As we were leaving, we found a nice shadey spot of grass away from the crowd. We sat for quite awhile playing with the boys and relaxing. So we paid a lot of money for a nice shadey spot of grass but it was fun.

(Grant took these pictures of me and Cole)

(Grant took this picture of Chad)

(Grant giving me attitude)

(Cole blowing his own nose with a wipe)

(Grant with a Master Shifu cotton candy moustache)

(Chad, Grant and Cole on our blanket when we were trying to watch the game)

(Cute Grant)

(Cole downing his baseball game hot dog)

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