Sunday, May 23, 2010


Grant and Ava decided (well actually Ava decided and Grant went a long with it) to have a picnic on our front porch. They are enjoying apples while they snuggle. Aren't they adorable?

Cole is quite the snuggle bug. Far more so than Grant every was. He loves to snuggle up by his dad and watch TV. In fact, recently Cole has started asking for the TV to be turned on. I'm not sure I should admit that though.

This is Barry taking liberties on my side of the bed.

We went downtown one Saturday afternoon to walk around the square. I think something was going on but I don't remember what. Grant has started taking pictures when we are out and about and took the following two while we were at the square.

I let Grant do some unsupervised painting while I took a shower one morning and this was the result. He his hand completely covered in paint and was ready to work on his belly when I intervened. I love that he loves art though. In the back is Cole trying to climb into the bathtub.

The boys love to color and often sit at the table working on pictures. I keep a big stack of scrap paper for just this activity. Grant is teaching Cole how to color and draw.

On March 27, 2010, we took the boys to the Phoenix Zoo. We loved it. We saw all the animals and even ran into Sarah and Eddie and their boys. She was trying to make herself go into labor with all of the walking around. It didn't work. In the evening, after the zoo, we took Cole to my mom's house and then took Grant to his first pro-hockey game to watch the Coyotes play their way into the play-offs. He loved the first two periods but was ready to go during the third. He did a really good job but was disappointed that they didn't sell ice cream. It was too cold.

In addition to working on their Jeep with their tools, they like to help their dad with his projects. Chad had a day off of work and decided to do some work on his bike so the boys jumped in to help. They were at this project for a good 15 minutes.

We took an afternoon outing to Goldwater Lake with our friends Laura, Tiffany and Raynee and their kids. They kids threw rocks in the water and played on the playground.

Another picture of Cole coloring.

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