Sunday, July 8, 2012

Grant is busy

Grant is a very active boy. He played t-ball in April and May and did amazingly well. The coaches give each child three pitches before having them hit off the tee. At all but maybe two up to bats he was able to hit the ball from the pitch rather than the tee.
Grant still loves to tackle the climbing wall whenever he can. He conquered a route he'd been working on since our move to Flagstaff just in time for them to redo the routes. He's now been working on some different routes. They are tougher.

Grant finally started riding the bus to school most mornings. He never wanted to ride it home from school, which was fine with me. He loved riding to school though and then discovered he could eat breakfast at the school. Grant's favorite was the french toast so he was able to eat one breakfast and one lunch each week. We always tried to schedule the breakfasts for french toast mornings.

On April 20, Grant participated in his school's Jog-a-thon. Leading up to the jog-a-thon, he called Oma, Papa, Kitty, Shelli, David and Brad to ask for pledges. They each donated $10 or $20. On the day of the Jog-a-thon the kindergarteners ran laps around some cones for about 30 minutes. The parent volunteers kept track of the laps for the kids and misted them with spray bottles while they ran. It was so much fun to watch the kids. Grant had a blast. That evening the school had cupcake Bingo. Grant helped me make cupcakes to donate to the event. I took Grant and Cole to try their hand at Bingo for a little while. We didn't win any cupcakes unfortunately.
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