Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seeing Andrew

David and Melissa had their first little baby, Andrew David, on November 14, 2011. The boys and I took a quick trip to the valley from December 1 to December 2 to see Andrew and help out Melissa a little bit. We spent the night in Oma's brand new house. It started snowing on Thursday morning and snowed off and on throughout the day until we left town. Cole spent a lot of the day snuggled up on the couch keeping warm but did venture out for a few minutes in his new snow pants. Tyler and I sat on the porch to watch him play for a little while.

We also spent some of the morning before we left working on helping Tyler learn to sit up. I propped him with pillows all around and gave him toys as motivation. He's making progress but loves to just flop to one side or another or slide down to his back.

Kristen started the tradition a few years ago of buying the boys Christmas pajamas each year. This year, Shelli took over the tradition and put in a great amount of effort to find pajamas for all four of the boys. In the past they have been matching but now the sizes are too varying to find matching so she did a good job finding coordinating pajamas. We had a good time taking pictures of the boys together and with Oma.

We also took the opportunity of the family gathering to celebrate Shelli's 30th birthday again. We had a cake and candles a couple of weeks ago when Kristen was in town but her birthday was in just a couple of days so we gave her another cake and beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday." The boys loved helping her blow out her candles.
After we got the boys to bed about 10 PM, finally, then Shelli and I took on the project of helping my mom rearrange her kitchen and get rid of some things she didn't need anymore.
The next day we enjoyed a breakfast of crepes then went to Melissa's to help her out. We cleaned her bathrooms and floors for her then headed back to Prescott in time for Chad and I to go to the ward adult Christmas party at the church.

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