Saturday, December 3, 2011

The differences in my children

Grant and Cole are the best of friends but they couldn't be more different in temperament. I have started to see that in the last couple of weeks.
Grant is my spunky, sassy, stubborn, smart, tender, opinionated oldest child. He is strong willed, with his own ideas about how things should go. When mom says, "Up", Grant usually tries to demand down. He is a strong negotiator, always bargaining (or begging when necessary). Luckily, his mom is a tough, professionally trained negotiator or he'd walk all over everyone in the house. He is a smart, independent, loving son and oldest brother. Everyday, he amazes me with something new that he can do, discovers or thinks about. We butt heads often and I wish we didn't but the boundary pushing he does will make him a strong, self-determined man. I just have to figure out how to direct that stubbornness. Grant is also one of the tenderest little boys I know. The quickest way to send him into tears is to start crying myself. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. He is passionate and focused about the things he does and feels. I hope that never changes about him.
Cole is my mild mannered, even-tempered, generally quiet and calm, self-entertaining, snuggly child. He loves to kick back, crawl into a lap, suck his fingers and relax. It takes very little to direct him to and through the things he needs to do in the home. He is learning he is a capable person, able to do many things. He knows he can empty the dishwasher by himself (just the kids things), put his clothes in the laundry basket, get his own underwear or pull-up and take off his own clothes (I was showering a few mornings ago, when all of the sudden the shower door burst open with a naked, little Cole standing there ready to play in the shower). He is so innocent and sweet in all he does it is hard to be upset with him when he causes trouble.
My two oldest boys compliment each other perfectly. I am interested to see how Tyler fits into the fray as he gets older.
I am grateful we are not given children with identical personalities. How boring that would be. We wouldn't learn anything from each other if we were all the same in a family.

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