Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tyler Wyatt Mellen born May 4, 2011

Tyler Wyatt Mellen was born at 6 AM on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Prescott Valley, AZ. He wins the record as the fastest birth, coming in 3 hours, and the smallest baby, weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. He woke me up about 2:45 AM with some serious contractions. We finally got the boys to our friends, the Paesalts, about 4:30 AM, then the hospital at 5 AM and by 6 AM I was holding him in my arms. We were also able to go home on Thursday early afternoon, instead of staying for two nights. Both of Tyler's brothers love their new brother. Grant is my big helper and Cole tells me the baby is crying and once in awhile tells me to put Tyler down so I can hold him.

Tyler is a good little baby. He eats well, sleeps well and rarely cries. When he does cry he sounds like a screaching cat so we try to avoid having him cry.

Chad is lucky enough to be home with us for three weeks to help get everything sorted out. At the hopsital, Chad was able to cut the cord (and proud he made it through in one snip), help clean him up after birth and eventually give him his first bath.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Oh Lindsay I think he is so beautiful! I want to hop in my car right now and drive down there and hold him! You are amazing! I hope that you are all recovered and doing great getting use to 3 little ones (something I never got to experience)