Monday, February 21, 2011

Our cute boys

Here are some random, cute pictures of the boys.

(This is Cole at the park riding a duck)

(Cole was pretending to take a nap on this cardboard box in the garage while we were cleaning out the garage one Saturday)

(Cole loves to empty the Play-Doh canister and put it on his head. He thinks it's hilarious)

(Here's our cute Granty smiling sweetly for the camera)

(Here's our little Cole smiling sweetly for the camera)

(I opened my eyes at about 7 AM one morning to see Grant walking down the stairs from his bedroom in this costume. Both boys are very into dressing like superheros)

(We took Chad lunch one Saturday at the VA but he was too busy to eat with us. I took the boys out to a picnic table to eat. Grant thought it was too cold sitting at the table so he crawedl underneath. Of course, Cole followed suit and they both ate their Subway sandwiches under the table, rather than at it.)

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