Monday, February 21, 2011

February snowstorm

We had a great snowstorm on February 19 and 20, 2011. It started snowing about noon on Saturday and barely stopped until about 5 PM on Sunday. We didn't even go to church on Sunday because we were afraid we wouldn't make it back up to our house. It was a beautiful storm. The boys had a great time going in and out of the house to play in the snow and drinking hot chocolate. Today, it being President's Day, Chad had the day off. We bought a big innertube from Big O and took the boys sledding. They had a blast. I mostly watched but did head down a hill once or twice. We did some sledding in the North Forty subdivision by our house and then down a hill behind our house on our property. The boys would have gone sledding all day if we let them but Brad was in town with his girlfriend Amanda so we had to get cleaned up to meet them for lunch.

(Barry watching us sled and licking the snow)

(The boys looking down the sled run we made at North Forth)

(The boys ready to head down the North Forth sled run)

(Grant climbing up the steep embankment to the top of the North Forth sled run instead of taking the longer less steep route)

(Chad and Cole taking the easier but longer route back to the top of the sled run)

(Chad solo sledding down the hill in our backyard)

(Cole discovered the joys of eating snow during this storm. I've made a concerted effort to teach him the importance of avoiding yellow and brown snow.)

(Grant trying a solo, belly run down the hill in our backyard)

(If Grant does it then so must Cole. Both boys belly sledding down the hill in our backyard)

(Grant and Cole ready to make their last run of the day)

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