Friday, September 19, 2008

Announcing the arrival of Cole Aaron Mellen

Cole was born on September 17, 2008 at 9:26 PM. He was 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. After a doctor's appointment that morning and a two hour trip to our zoo, contractions finally started in the early afternoon. We started getting ourselves organized and preparing to go to the hospital. We dropped off Grant at Amy's house around 4:30 and got to the hospital between 5 and 5:30. I was nervous that we were going too early because the contractions weren't that consistent or that hard but we went anyway. It turned out to be a good thing. I was dilated to between 7 and 8 cm and although I could only feel contractions about every 6-8 minutes they were actually coming every 3-4 minutes. No one could believe I was not in pain and perfectly relaxed so far along into my labor. My labor progressed at a nice, casual pace with no complications or concerns and about 5 to 5-1/2 hours later Cole arrived. We are very blessed to have this new little guy in our family and blessed to have had such an uneventful birth, particulary after Grant's lightning speed birth with complications. Cole and I will be in the hospital until tonight. My mom arrives tomorrow for about 10 days then Chad's mom comes for another 10 days. Cole is turning out to be a good sleeper and a good eater. Grant and Chad spent the better part of yesterday with us at the hospital. Grant was more interested in being close to mommy than baby Cole, which was expected. His interest increased throughout the day though and he is quite sweet with him. They will be a good pair and probably cause all sorts of trouble together when they are older. Chad and I can't wait. Enjoy the pictures below.

(Cole sleeping on mommy's lap)

(Cole all snuggled up for a nap)

(Grant checking out baby Cole with daddy)

(Grant meeting Cole for the first time)


Adrian said...

Oh Lindsay I’m so glad everything went well with the delivery! Cole is so cute!!! I can’t wait to meet him in person! I love that picture where Grant is checking out baby Cole!! It’s precious!! Thanks for getting pictures uploaded so fast!! See you soon!

Tiffany said...

He is adorable! Grant and Cole will be best friends... eventually. I can already see it with Turner and Max- once Max could laugh it was Turner that always get him to laugh the hardest. He is so adorable. I hope you guys continue to do so well!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am so glad that everything went well and that you are both healthy and happy. He is a cutie!! I love the picture of you showing Cole to Grant. It is so sweet.

Congratulations again!!!


Jason and Becky said...
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Jason and Becky said...

Congrats to you and your family. He is a cutie. That is so fun to have two boys right together. They will have so much fun. Take care.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the baby boy! They will be causing trouble together before you know it! Good Luck and enjoy them.