Sunday, May 15, 2022

August 2014

Bear Paw was the place to be in the summer. We swam, played mini golf and ping pong and met friends. It was always sad when school started up because Bear Paw days came to an end. We ended each summer with giant ice cream scoops from the Bear Paw snack bar.

 Cole started Kindergarten at Knoles Elementary on August 7, 2014. He was so excited to start school. His teacher was Mrs. Cox.

Grant started third grade at Mountain School on August 13, 2014. His teacher was Miss Julie. He's an old pro at this first day of school thing by now. He loves having the same friends in his class each year.

Tyler still spends most of his time with mom but does get to go to preschool two afternoons each week. He started preschool August 19, 2014. It was a bit of a rough start but his second day on August 21 went so much better.

On August 18, 2014, the Wards invited us to Dave's lab for some Family Home Evening fishing in his pond. Activities with the Wards are always an adventure. It's not everyday you get to see a catfish the size of a man.

Sooner loves to lay right in front of the dog door on the back porch just to keep Barry from getting outside.

Cole tried soccer over the summer. He had a good time running around the field and learning a new sport.

From August 30 to September 1, 2014 we we camping. We always love to get out of town and into the trees. The boys love the BB guns, the snacks, the campfire and running around free in the woods.

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