Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 2013

January was busy but unexciting. We finished Winter Break and started back into our normal routine. Grant started his second session of hockey. Cole started a basketball class at the Aquaplex. Tyler just keeps on being his adorable and entertaining self, trying to keep up with his brothers. This month was indescribably cold with snow, ice and unusable driveways (because it's too hard to shovel snow by hand). We had a fun long weekend visit from Papa and Janet. Unfortunately, it was the one weekend that hockey was cancelled due to a tournament and freezing cold, making outdoor adventures undesirable. Also, that weekend the boys had two birthday parties.

(Colar at Pee Wee Basketball)

(Cole in Boots)

(Brothers snuggled up reading a book, oh wait, playing the PSP)

(Tyler trying out the headlamp he received from Papa for Christmas)

(Tyler as Spiderman)

(Tyler with his bag of chips - he demanded it at the store and wouldn't give it up until it was empty)

(Tyler Yoda Mellen getting cleaned up for church)

(Tyler the Hulk)

(Captain Tyler, with Janet in the background)

If you can't tell, Tyler's new hobby is to dress up like his brothers. 

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You have got some stinkin' cute kids! What adorable pictures!