Thursday, April 19, 2012

A day in the life...these days anyway

These boys keep things very lively. Grant and Cole bounce between the love and the hate in their typical brotherly love/hate relationship. This of course causes Cole to bounce between his surprisingly loud belly laugh and his even more surprisingly loud "Grant just did something to torture me" cry. The nice thing is that if you don't like what you hear, just wait 10 seconds and it will change. I know you're looking at the pictures of Cole and wondering how can this be, but oh, please trust me it is.

All three boys love to spend time outside, playing ball, soaking in the sun, spending time with the neighbor boys, John and Ben, and enjoying the beautiful Flagstaff weather.

Cole is enjoying his Sporties for Shorties class. The second week of each four week session is climbing. Cole is not too keen on climbing. He tried it when we first moved here but after no more than 30 seconds declared himself done and refused to try it again until Sporties climbing rolled around. Because it was his coach and not me asking him to put on the harness and give it a shot he agreed. He did get on the wall but this video says it all:

Here are some other videos of Cole at Sporties:

We saw these 10 deer playing and grazing in the meadow by our house on the way to school the other morning.

Below is the laundry that accumulated due to my slacking. It took me an entire week to get through this massive pile.
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