Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Winter Hike

On February 6, 2010, we decided it was high time that our family hiked Thumb Butte. The snow from January was melted (or so we thought) and the weather was not biting cold anymore. It was a Saturday, so we headed out. We brought Barry and Sooner with us to get them out of the house. We even brought the jogging stroller for Cole because one of the trails is paved. The hike started out alright but quickly turned into something we never expected. As we worked our way up the trail there were still huge patches of icey snow. We were slipping and sliding our way up these terribly steep icey patches, trying to push the stroller, keep Grant from falling and keep the dogs from dragging us up. It was hilarious and awful all at the same time. Not very far into the hike, Cole fell asleep and remained asleep until we were hiking back down. Thank goodness the hike is not terribly long to the top. It is just full of switchbacks. We made it amazingly, with no injury. There was one time where me and Cole in the stroller did almost slide our way back down the mountain. At the top the view was beautiful but we didn't stay long because it was starting to rain. We took the other non-paved trail back and it was so much better. It wasn't nearly as steep and there was no snow on it. In all my years in Prescott, I never even knew about this other trail. I always just took the hard, switch back trail. No more. I really enjoy these fun little family outings we do. There is always some adventure and it's good family time away from the house.

(Lindsay and Grant at the top (see the snow behind us) - Weird that Grant is scowling because his picture is being taken isn't it?)

(Cole taking his nap on the hike)

(Chad, Grant and Barry at the top of Thumb Butte)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Wow! It took me several sessions to finish all of your posts :) I was starting to think you had given up blogging :) I loved all of the updates and the pictures of your cute boys. You have been up to a lot and it makes me jealous-
1. I wish I had the energy and 2. I wish I was there to hang out with you!