Saturday, July 19, 2008


Yesterday, right before I put Grant down for his nap he asked for a popsicle. I told him he could have one when he woke up from his nap. He then proceeded to nap for about 2-1/2 hours. When he woke up I heard, "Moooommmmyyy!!!!!" to let me know he was awake. As I got upstairs to let him out of his room, the first thing he said was, "I want popsicle." Never underestimate the memory and persistence of a two year old.

Yesterday was my last day of work. I am now a stay at home mom with a long list of to-dos to get my house in order after not being a stay at home anything for the last five years. Wish me luck. I started a few weeks ago as my work was winding down but there is still much to do.

Chad took his pharamcy law exam this morning. He was quite anxious about it, as always. We will know in a day or two if he passed, as it is computerized. I will let you know.

We are off to get Grant's two year old pictures taken (2 months late) at JCPenney. Of course, the one day I need him to be happy and in a good mood, he stayed up late the night before and woke up at 6 AM. It is 9:40 and he's already napping. I have to wake him up and it's not going to be pretty. I hope at least one shot turns out.

1 comment:

KaySea said...

How is it being home?? Didt the pictures turn out? I take Klara tomorrow for her 6 month pictures and bryce's 6 year pictures. I am couple months late on them too. Doesn't matter as much when they are older but I know that Klara has changed since last month. I added you on my blog thatnks for inviting me!! Hope Chad did GREAT on his test!