Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chad's graduation...Yeah!!!!!

May 16 was a joyous day for all of us. Chad is finally done not only with pharmacy school but with school all together. It was an amazing feeling to watch Chad get his hood and finally become a pharmacist. The below picture is Chad walking in to start the ceremony.

Below is Chad wearing his hood after graduation concluded. The ceremony was unnecessarily long but what can you do?
The joyous Mellen family after the graduation ceremony. Grant did not do well during the ceremony. Thanks to Alisha and Grandma Mellen for keeping him entertained so I could sit through the ceremony and support Chad. Grant got to walk through the museum across from the graduation hall twice. Grant did not find the ceremony quite as momentous as the rest of us. Of course, he'd been good all week but chose that day to wake up in a bad, tired mood.
Grant being forced to have his picture taken with Daddy after enjoying his post-graduation cookie. A giant chocolate chocolate chip cookie was his reward for enduring 2 hours of graduation. Chad was very happy at graduation.
My family (dad, Shelli and David) arrived in town after the ceremony and spent the weekend with us and Chad's mom and sister. They couldn't get into town before the ceremony. Chad took his sister Alisha to some sites in Tucson, as she had never been here before. They went to Kartchner Caverns, ate indian food and at The Grille. We had a fabulous BBQ last night. Barbara and Alisha flew out this morning and Dad and David are leaving today. Shelli also left last night. On Friday night we had a heated game of Glenns v. Mellens Scene it? Until the very end the Glenns were ahead. Only at the last question did the Mellens win the game. I was a Glenn for the game.

In July, Chad starts his one year residency at the Tucson VA. In another year we will be making decisions about where to go from here. We will keep you posted.


***LIZ*** said...

Congrats Chad! How exciting for you all!