Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Fun Never Ends

We are plugging along here in Tucson. Chad is in the throws of what has to be his absolute worst rotation yet (thankfully it's his last). He has to be to work by 5:45 AM. He can't go anywhere on his own because it's the prison. His preceptor has no personality and did everything but actually call him stupid. He just implied it. Chad actually lost his temper and kind of told him off, which, if you know Chad, you know is something he never, ever does. It is so counter to his personality. The whole thing started because Chad asked the guy a question about a project he was assigned to work on. The guy basically told him he thought he was smart enough to handle the project and that he was wrong. Chad then told the guy he's published 3 times had worked on several projects and said that the way he wanted the project done was the stupidest way he'd seen. If you're shocked, imagine my surprise when he told me this. He doesn't even tell me off when we fight. He just sits there quietly. He's just miserable but it's almost the end and his preceptor is going to be gone for 2 weeks so he won't have to go in until 7 and still get off at 2:15.
I'm chomping at the bit to be done with my work. I'm working as fast and pushing as hard as I can but I just want to be done. I'm going to withdraw from a couple of more cases that are just going to take too long to finish.
I am convinced I have the strangest kid there is. The boy's favorite pasttime is to take naps. I am not lying when I say that within an hour of waking up from his daily three hour nap, he is asking for night night, crib, pillow and binkies (he has 3 in the crib with him). This is Grant playing night night in his potty box and the picture below that is Grant playing night night on the towel on the counter. I don't complain, that's for sure. I love Grant's 3 hour nap times.

Grant's other new favorite activity is swimming. It's been warm enough lately for swimming so he has gone a few times with his babysitter Regina and her two kids and some other people. Of course, this is while I'm at work so he's out swimming and having fun without me. He loves his swim outfit, especially his shoes and hat. He's the only kid I know who keeps hats on.
Yesterday, Grant woke up at 6:45 AM so that meant me and Chad also woke up then. Because we were up we went garage saling, a rare event in this household. We hit the jackpot. We found some great new stuff for Grant. We found puzzles and cars and one of those big Little Tikes cars he can push himself around in. Chad's best find was the hat Grant is wearing in the picture below. It was 25 cents and Grant loves it. Not to mention he is now officially THE coolest kid around.

On Wednesdays, Grant and I go to a Parks and Rec class called Little Movers and Shakers. It's 45 minutes and they do dancing, stretching, races, some gymnastics, play time and parachute and bubbles. He hates the dancing, stretching and races part, really hates the gymnastics, cries because it's not playtime then cries because playtime is over too fast and loves to go under the parachute and play with the bubbles. This is Grant playing tee ball during play time. He asks all week for "Shakers" and cries a lot of the time when it's over. Slowly, he is learning structure and how to follow instructions. I just wonder, how come all of the other kids sit quietly in their parent's laps and participate in all of the activities, while mine is throwing tantrums on the floor until toy/free time?

1 comment:

krissy said...

yes! i love all of it!
Did he get his hair cut, it looks like it under his new hat.
Put up pictures of that!!!