Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter April 2012

Our Easter was fun this year. It started early with Cole's Lenten sing at Peace Lutheran Preschool. He was adorable. When he walked in with his class he looked upset and I learned after the performance that one of the little girls in his class was so wound up about the performance that while holding his hand walking down the hall to the chapel she had twisted his hand "really hard."

I loved watching him do this: (this video is long but I had to get the whole thing on camera). After the performance we went back to his classroom for cookies and tater tots then he went with his friends to the playground. All the other parents had to go back to work, except me. I was so grateful for this. I could have taken him home early but he loves to play outside with his classmates so Tyler and I went outside to watch him play.

Kitty came into town for Easter weekend. Her timing was perfect as we were already headed to Phoenix that Saturday for a baseball game. We went down Friday night and slept at Oma's to see her. We were able to leave Tyler with Oma and Kitty during the game thank goodness. We met Papa at the game. Grant spent the majority of the game right by Chad's side watching the plays. Cole spent most of the game at the kids play area doing anything but watching the game. This meant I didn't watch the game either. After the game we went to David's house for dinner.

We got home at 11:30 PM the night before Easter. Easter still had to be put together. Of course, the boys were up at 6:30 AM checking their baskets and ready to hunt for eggs. Chad and I dragged ourselves out of bed to do Easter morning. Luckily, Tyler stayed asleep until about 8:30 so we could go back to bed for awhile. This is our Easter egg hunt:

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