Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our March Madness

March always finds us at least once at a Spring Training game. We love going, enjoying the grass, the excitement and of course the food. I'd like to say the food is what our boys enjoy most but, let's be honest, Chad and I love it too. Chad and I take turns entertaining the boys so that we can each watch at least a little bit of the game. This year we watched the Giants play the Mariners at the Mariners field in Peoria. The boys enjoyed hot dogs, chips, soda, ice cream and cotton candy while we all tried to stay cool in the already hot Phoenix weather.

The hot weather wasn't so easy to tolerate with my ever growing belly. See me with Tyler about 2 months before he was born.

My boys forever finds ways to have fun with cardboard boxes. The use of one box slowly morphs and changes over time too. This box ended up becoming Buzz Lightyear wings that mom had to keep reclipping to their shirts with clothespins that wouldn't withstand the level of activity Buzz Lightyear wings should be made to handle.

This is just a cute picture of my Cole that I took while we were watching Grant do Itty-Bitty Sports Class.

Just as in the fall, Grant did the spring session of Itty-Bitty Sports class at the YMCA. He got to learn and practice t-ball and flag football. It was perfectly timed because he did t-ball right before he started Little League so he was all warmed up. He is quite the slugger and has quite the throwing arm. While doing some throwing exercises, Grant's accuracy and throwing strength was so far beyond the others in his class that they had him step further back than the other kids to give him a challenge. His mom was oh so proud.

As with all children, trying on mom and dad's shoes is always a fun thing to do. Although I think here, Grant is actually trying to wear one of Cole's snow boots. Good luck with that one.

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