Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We frequently find Barry with his head in an empty cereal box and it's almost always a Captain Crunch box. He loves them.

Aunt Kitty sent the boys a Happy Summer box that had a bag of water balloons. This has become Grant's new favorite past time. We fill some up then go up to our little balcony and throw them off. He also loves to throw them at things and fill them up and just get wet. See video below of Grant throwing them off the balcony.

Our ward has a garden on land owned by some ward members. Every year the ward pitches in and gets it planted and grown and harvested. Periodically, they schedule ward FHE and any families who want to come help can come and do whatever work needs to be done. We went a few weeks ago and helped with the planting and watering. We had to carry big buckets of waters to the newly planted melon plants to saturate them. Cole and Grant were great helpers. Cole got really into his work as you can see below. Grant, who did the same job as Cole, stayed completely clean and almost totally dry.

Here is Cole on his tricycle. Whenever Grant gets on his bike to ride, Cole has to get on his trike, with his helmet on and ride. I'm not sure why he doesn't have a shirt on but it's frankly not surprising.

The boys and their friend Ava love to lift up all the couch cushions to make a fort and jump on the couch and play. They use the cushions for slides and do all sorts of other funny things. This is the boys resting for a few seconds between screaming and rough housing rounds.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Love it! My boys are always pulling the cushions off the couch too! It drives my husband crazy but it is fun for them!