Sunday, December 13, 2009

Random things

Grant has made a new friend, Jake Wright, at preschool. A couple of weeks ago, his teacher, Sonya Tenney told me that Grant and Jake had been talking all day about Jake coming over to play at our house after preschool. They were disappointed when I told them it couldn't be that day but I arranged with his mom that day to have Jake over on Thursday. Grant and Jake had a great time playing outside, playing Play-doh and playing whatever else little boys play. They don't fight. They are both quieter kids. They get a long really well. We are going to have Jake about once a week for awhile because his mom does things on Tuesdays and usually gets a babysitter. It will be fun for Grant to have a friend over I think.

Last year, Aunt Kitty started a tradition of sending my boys cute snowman jammies from BabyGAP. These are this year and last year's jammies. They are always so cute.

Cole loves to snuggle up in Grant's bed to read stories before bed. He lasts about 2 minutes on a good night then he starts climbing all over everyone and everything and creating havoc. It's fun for the few minutes it lasts though. Grant likes to share his bed with Cole.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, Grant, Cole and I took a trip to Tucson to visit friends and work on the house for new renters. We lost our old ones. We stayed with Amy Studley and her family of course. We all took a trip to the zoo because we really miss that in Prescott. The zoo still had its picture thing up from the Howloween so we took a picture of the four boys. We have gone to this event in 2007 and 2008. Things sure change fast. I love this picture because the two older boys are each reading their own zoo map and Zachary is poking Cole in the face. I think it's hilarious.

(Halloween 2009 -- about 3 weeks late)

(Halloween 2008 - we did it without the Studleys)

(Halloween 2007 - look how cute and little they are)

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