Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hodge Podge

Cole had his first spaghetti dinner the other night. He loved it. So did Grant.

We went to a zoo class on Saturday, June 13. The theme was giraffes. Grant made some giraffes for the art project and at the end they were all able to go feed the giraffes. Grant isn't a big fan of feeding the giraffes, so he handed me the biscuit. I think it's fun to feed them. They have extremely long, slimely, purple tongues. I tried to take a picture of me feeding the giraffe but I was holding Cole and as I went to give the biscuit to the giraffe, Cole knocked my hand and before I could recover the biscuit was gone. As we were waiting to feed the giraffes, one of the giraffes got anxious and got his horn stuck in the rope netting by the platform. It was a little frightening. The giraffe was ok but he was very panicked when his horn was stuck.

Grant has developed a real love of animals over the last couple of years. He is particularly partial to lizards and snakes. He regularly asks for a pet lizard or snake. We have firmly stated no snakes but he may have a hamster at our new house. He used to want a turtle but now he has a dislike of turtles. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before so I will relate the story now. At each zoo class, there is always an animal encounter segment, which usually involves turtles, snakes, lizards, guinea pigs, chickens etc. There are always three animals to pet. Several weeks ago, one of the animals was a turtle. As the turtle got to me and Grant it pooped and peed. Grant was not very excited about that. At the zoo class we went to before the giraffe class, they had another turtle as part of the animal encounters. While the turtle was going around, Grant repeatedly told me he didn't want to touch the turtle because it was going to pee on him. I kept trying to tell Grant that there was no problem and that he should pet the turtle. I told him I was going to pet the turtle. Well, sure enough, as the turtle got right to me and Grant, it peed. I am pretty sure Grant will never touch another turtle again in his life.

(Grant petting a bearded dragon in the reptile classroom after zoo class)

This past Sunday was a bit crazy. Chad was out of town visiting his family in Salt Lake. I took the boys to church and then we headed to our stake center for a big stake meeting. They shifted wards between stakes to prepare for the creation of a new stake this coming Sunday. Our ward, Valencia ward, was moved to the Tucson Stake center. Now we will be legitimately meeting at the Tucson stake center. Until now, we have just been borrowing a time slot in another stake's building. For one week and one week only, we are part of the largest stake in the entire church, totalling over 8,000 members. Salt Lake did not want people to be without a stake so they created a mega stake for one week. This Sunday, Neil Anderson is coming to create the new stake. After the special meeting, me and the boys went to our friend's Sara and Karl Adams' home for dinner. Jason and Regina Price and their girls were invited too. Sara has a 4 year old girl, Keira and a 2 year old boy, Kyle. The Prices have two girls, Oraclle, age 5, and Shayna, age 3. Then there was Grant. Grant has spent a lot of time with these girls, as Regina used to babysit Grant and they often played with Keira. This particular night, while the adults were chatting, the kids were Keira's room playing. They started playing dress up. Each of the girls came parading out in their pretty princess dresses. Then all of the sudden, Grant came out in a fairy costume. He is one of the cutest little fairies I have ever seen. I still don't know how he got into the costume. He is still learning to dress himself and has a difficult time undressing. Someone had to help him unbutton his church pants. It's still a mystery. Also, notice the boxers below the costume and the necklace added to the costume to accessorize a bit.

After a little while, Grant disappeared again into the room with the girls. The girls then started coming out in other costumes and so did Grant. He came out in a pretty purple church dress. Again, I have no idea how he got the one costume off and the other on. Grant had so much fun dressing up that when I told him it was time to change to go home, he was not happy. I asked him several times if he wanted to change his clothes and he said no each time.

(Grant with Oraclle Price)'s finally happened. Our little scooting Cole found the dog water bowl. It happened with Grant and it was only a matter of time that Cole found it too. It happened tonight, while I was cooking dinner. He had a fabulous time, splashing his hands in the water and making a giant wet mess on the floor and on himself. Notice the mischevious little smile on his face.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Have I told you how much your posts CRACK ME UP!! I'm pretty sure my favorite pictures were the ones of Grant dressed up in such pretty dresses!!!! I laughed for like 20 minutes! So funny! And zoo stories, especially the turtle...oh it kills me!!