Saturday, August 16, 2008

Monsoons: A blessing or a curse?

Every year we here in Arizona look forward with anticipation to monsoon season because it provides significant relief to the oppressive heat we have each summer. The monsoons are great because it makes everything cooler and greener and more beautiful. However, it also makes the weeds grow. Our backyard is presently filled with budding, blooming and thriving tumbleweed and sticker plants. The picture below is a pile of weeds Chad picked last night. This pile represents maybe, generously speaking, a third of the weeds in our backyard. You can see the size of some of the weeds in the picture with Chad two below. It's absolutely ridiculous. A friend of ours commented ealier this week that if let it grow out a little more, it would look like we did it intentionally rather than just out of serious backyard neglect.

Grant had a great time outside last night while Chad was weeding and I was sitting in a patio chair watching. He begged for about 20 minutes to have the sprinkler turned on but had to wait until Chad fertilized the grass. Once it was on, we could not keep him out of it. He plowed right into the sprinkler and threw a huge fit when we said it was time to go in. He loved drinking the water and stopping the spirnkler from turning. This morning when we were feeding the dogs he asked if he could go in the sprinkler. This may become a regular occurrence.

This is video of Grant in the sprinkler.

1 comment:

sarah said...

I thought that's what people in Tucson considered landscaping, now you won't fit in with your neighbors.
Nice picture of Chad - with his tumble weed tail.