Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lots of big news

The Mellen family has lots of big announcements to make and we'll make them all at once. First, we got the results of Chad's residency match. Chad matched at the VA here in Tucson. We are staying in Tucson one more year for sure. We are very happy. Tucson was Chad's second choice, just under Milwaukee. He liked the teaching opportunities provided there. Ultimately though, Tucson is a harder program and is a better program. I am just thrilled not to have to move in June.

The reason I'm thrilled not to have to move in June leads me to our next big announcement, which is that we are going to have another baby. I am due on or about September 21, 2008. We are excited. I am pretty sick with this pregnancy but not near as bad as I was with Grant. I am able to keep food down but I'm pretty nauseous all day long. I feel more tired this time around too. I think I'm just getting too old for this child bearing thing.

The other big news is that I'm finally quitting, well phasing out, my job. I have given my notice at work. I am no longer taking new ccases. I've gotten out of the new cases I just took that hadn't gotten started and now I just need to finish the cases I have. I thought about just quitting but I feel too bad about just dropping my clients so I'll finish their cases and then be done. I will be done before the baby is born for sure but hopefully sooner.

We are very excited about these changes coming up in our lives. Grant has hit the terrible twos a couple of months early and needs to be home more so he will benefit from this as well. When we know what we are having we will let you all know.


Tiffany said...

Wow! That is a lot of big news. Congrats on all of it but esp. the new baby! That is so fun. I hope that your pregnancy is uneventful!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on all of the big changes. That is exciting. Grant is such a cute boy and will be a great big brother. I am sorry you aren't feeling well. It is no fun to be sick. It was interesting to me to compare my two pregnancies. Some things were better the second time and others were worse. I hope you and the baby are healthy and happy!


***LIZ*** said...

Congrats all around, lots of good news. How exciting to be prego again, quiting, not having to move yet, and Chad making the $$$$! If you have a girl I will be sure to make her some cute bows, I take requests if you have outfits you want them matched to.