Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our New Years

Our New Years was really uneventful and honestly one of my least favorite holidays. I am too old to stay up until midnight anymore. I fell asleep at 10:30 on New Years Eve. Chad had to wake me up and guilt trip me to get me out of bed for the ball drop. I was able to fly home from SLC rather than drive home and it was pure bliss. Of course, Grant came with me. My sister Shelli took me to Tucson and stayed through New Years Eve. She watched Grant while I worked on Friday. I guess I have to put some hours in at the office. My other sister Kristen flew in from Seattle, where she was visiting my parents, on the Friday before New Years. Chad and his sister Brooke arrived at about the same time. My brother David came down to share the holiday as well. We had quite a full house. We did baking and played our new game Scene it. I am terrible by the way. Chad, Brooke and Shelli are the ones to have on your team. On Sunday we had fondue, a Mellen tradition for Christmas Eve that had to be pushed to New Years Eve because of poor ventilation in Chad's mom's condo. I love fondue though and it is quite the interactive family activity. Chad took Brooke to Kartchner Kaverns and me and my sisters made a trip to Target and In-N-Out. We had a mini-dance party that stemmed from watching the movie Hairspray. Grant had an opportunity to display his new moves. He is quite the dancer but prefers rap and hip hop to other things. He is truly his father's son.
It was also time to take down Christmas. Upon our return from SLC our poor, ignored tree was nothing more than brown, dried up needles and honestly a very bad fire hazard. I spent Saturday undecorating the tree and putting away all of the ornaments. My sister's helped me clean the house too. It was my plan to do it before they arrived but that never happened. Grant also enjoyed helping clean up Christmas. He particularly enjoyed the lights.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

How fun! What kind of fondue do you make? Do you have fondue pots? I had one but then I ended up giving it away for a last minute wedding present- obviously I hadn't used it yet. Yet I think foundue would be a fun family tradition. I guess I will have to get another pot.